How old is Bubee and Monster today?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bubee's video

As promised, a video of me!!

It's me in the video doing tricks when I was only 3 and half months old!! Of course I can do more different tricks but my mammy is too lazy to record for me...


Katie and Gizmo said...

Oh how cute you are and clever too.
Hey how tall are you?

i said...

Hello Bubee! Welcome to DWB! You sure are a cute and clever little pup!

Poodle Soup said...

Wow Bubee Im so impressed, I used to be able to do those tricks too but now Ive just learnt to steal the yummies outta Mamams handbag, he he he
Have a great day!

0oBubeeo0 said...

Hi Gizmo!
Thanks !! I'm now a very tall...around 30cm at shoulders....but the video was recorded when I was 3 and half months old, at that time...probably 22cm high?

Hi Happy!

Hi Ripley!
Bubee always steal yummies from the kitchen as well....once I found out that she was actually chewing boiled chicken bone!! Scares me......naughty Bubee..