How old is Bubee and Monster today?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Monna's 4 months old!!

10th Sept, Monna turned 4 months old =) here's some pictures I took on thay day.

Yes..yes...yes..everybody says I look like a boy....:( But I'm 100% girl!!!!

I'm now 4 months old!!

Who says my eyes are too big??

Mammy says I'm much prettier now..Do you think so?


Poodle Soup said...

Soooo pretty!!!
Im lovin the blue outfit :)

Snowy and Crystal said...

When did you cutie join the family?

andyways, you are a cutie pie

our poodle used to have same color as you

happy 4th months old

Maltese Paws


Charlie Daniels said...

Did you get big treats for turning 4 months old! ;-)



i said...

You are so adorable! And you definitely look like a girl!

0oBubeeo0 said...

Thanks Poodle soup (Ripley? ), snowy, crystal, charlie and happY!!

Thanks all of you!! xoxo