How old is Bubee and Monster today?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dog Jenga

Wake up today and have this scene in front of me -Dog Jenga...Couldnt stop laughing..... Just cant believe how can they sleep like that for the whole night.... lol

After a while...I start to worry....a 7 pound big girl is sleeping on top of a 3.5 pound girl!!!! Isn't it quite dangerous? I think I'd better not letting them use the 'house' until Monna grows bigger....

Aanyway....I love the pics ....=)


Poodle Soup said...

Haaaa you two are funny!! Hey that bed looks really comfy by the way.
I might try Jenga with Lola, though she is sooo big and fat, the biggest cat Ive ever seen. I may have to be careful.
Have a great day Bubee and Monna!!


Woof, Bubee and Monna

Nice to meet you. That is a really great photo. We wouldn't try that in our house, we're just to big, though sometimes we end up sleeping on top of Mom.

Woof, woof,
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence

0oBubeeo0 said...

Hi RipleY!
yeah,,,the bed is very comfy! and can stay warm during the cold nights as well...
Yeah! Try that with Lola and take some pictures! should be fun!

Hi Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence..(that's a lot of you..)

Nice to meet you all here! Please come and visit us more! woof woof woof!