How old is Bubee and Monster today?

Monday, October 13, 2008

My friend said the prices I won is cute....but useless...

I'm going to prove that they are useful!!!

Poker bed.....

And the big chew toy!! haha!!
I beat the diosaur!! (which the staff insist is a crocodile! Whatever,who cares?)
See how happy I look after the win???? hahahaha

I have big mouth...AHHHHHH

And I can be a lady as well =)


Charlie Daniels said...

Very cute pics :-)



i said...

You look so adorable! I think that's some cool prizes.

Thor and Jack said...

Hi puppies! I just found your blog and it´s so cute! You are adorable! Do you like coke??

Love and licks

0oBubeeo0 said...

Thanks Charlie, happy and Thor!!